mid-winter pomegranate sangria

mid-winter pomegranate sangria

  • 2 cups assorted winter fruits, chopped into small pieces(I used a combination of oranges, apples, and pears)

  • 16 oz. pomegranate juice

  • 1 tbsp. + 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar

  • 1 16-oz. bottle Health-ade Pomegranate Kombucha

In a large jar or glass pitcher, combine the fruit, pomegranate juice, and balsamic vinegar. Refrigerate at least 8 hours (or up to 24 hours), stirring occasionally, to allow the flavors to combine. 

When ready to serve, strain the pomegranate-fruit mixture, and pour into glasses, filling each halfway. Top off each glass with pomegranate kombucha, garish with additional fresh fruit, and serve! 

*NOTE: Pomegranates are antioxidant powerhouses, full of polyphenols that combat cellular damage in the body and may help improve memory and cognition. They’re the same antioxidant found in many red wines, making this sangria the perfect alcohol free swap for your favorite glass of red.

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